Friends of Hebden Bridge Station - Introduction
white rosewhite rose



Hebden Bridge Signal Box Preservation Group

In July 2021, Calder Valley Land Trust, who will be taking on the lease of the signal box, heard that their application for a Heritage Lottery Fund has been successful. The planning application has also been approved.

Calder Valley Land Trust's websitehas more details.

This group was formed in November 2018.

Save our Signal Box leaflet

Here is their contact email address if you would like to know more.


Plans are under way for the Grade II listed signal box at Hebden Bridge to be taken into community ownership. This leaflet explains how we hope to save our signal box. Saving our signal box.

Final Shift at the Signal Box

The new signalling system along the Calder Valley means that the signal box at Hebden Bridge is redundant. On the night of Friday 19th October, Paul Kenny, signalman, worked the last shift in the box accompanied by local operations manager, Derek King, and some of the Friends of Hebden Bridge Station. He demonstrated the LMS loud-hailer once used to communicate with the station, pushed the button which still rang a bell in the station and regaled everyone with tales of the railway cats, night traffic and nocturnal hedgehogs. It was his last shift before retiring as well as the last use of the signal box, so a presentation was made to Paul by Derek King.

Signalman, Paul Kenny, demonstrates LMS loud hailer

The last bell-code was sent to Halifax, 7.5.5, which is normally only used when the trains stop for Christmas Day, the last entries were made on the computer system and in the Train Register Book; a final phone call to Preston and it was time to lock up and go home. Photos taken at the final shift can be found on Craig Shaw's website

Two films about our local signal boxes

Film Archive of Railway Signalling and People (FARSAP) have produced two short films, including one about the last shift at our signal box. They can be viewed on their website.

Signal Box listed

In 2012, Friends of Hebden Bridge Station supported the proposed listing providing information to English Heritage. The listing can be found at Hebden Bridge Signal Box

BBC report on Hebden Bridge Signal Box

Thanks to Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Society for the following article.

LYRS article on signal box


Hebden Bridge Signal Box Then and Now

The sidings at the east end of the up platform and also the water tower can be seen in this old photograph. (Photo courtesy of LYRS)

Hebden Bridge Signal Box

A more recent photograph of the signal box. (Photo courtesy of David Taylor)

Hebden Bridge Signal Box

Article about the listing of the signal box.